Teeth Whitening - Bleaching

If you want to add perfection to your smile, you can start with teeth white as snow. Whitening process is the process of eliminating the coloration problems that occur in teeth structure. White teeth, which are the primary criteria for healthy teeth and gums, are performed with two important techniques as whitening and bleaching.
Bleaching method is also divided into two main groups. In the first one, the patient performs the application at home and by themselves. In the second method, application is performed in a clinical (office type) environment by the dentist.
- Office Bleaching
- Home Bleaching
Office Bleaching
Office bleaching method is the teeth bleaching method which provides results in a much shorter time compared to home bleaching. In office bleaching application, first of all, measures must be taken to protect gums and other soft tissues that may be damaged in the mouth. Gums must be coated with a protective layer in order to prevent the teeth bleaching agent from reaching the gums.
Its difference compared to home bleaching is that the chemical substance used is excessive and has active qualities. However, this substance must be applied under the supervision of a dentist. In addition to office bleaching, deep bleaching can be achieved on teeth if laser or LED style light sources are used together.
Home Bleaching
In this method, which is extremely easy and safe to apply, the duration of treatment is around 1-4 weeks depending on the condition of the teeth. Before proceeding with the bleaching procedure, the dentist must complete all oral and dental health checks. Problems such as tartar hinder bleaching.
After all necessary oral and dental health checks are made, measurements are taken from the patient’s mouth. Transparent plates are prepared. The dentist gives the patient the bleaching gel to be used in the treatment together with the plates. The physician informs the patient about the applications and use. The bleaching gel is left on the teeth for approximately 5-7 hours. You will be more comfortable if you apply this procedure during sleep. Throughout the procedure, changes can be made in terms of application hours based on the effect of the gel. Treatment is completed over a total of 1 week.
Advantages of Home Bleaching Method:
- It is cheaper.
- It is easy to use.
Disadvantages of Home Bleaching Method:
- The treatment lasts longer.
- Beverages such as tea, coffee and cola that causes color change in teeth must not be consumed.
- You should stay away from cigarettes and similar yellowing substances throughout the procedure.
- You must be careful when wearing plates on your teeth. Otherwise, your gums may be damaged.
- Although it is easy to use for the person, it is less preferable today due to reasons such as loss of time and not providing results in some deep colorations.
Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Bleaching
Is Teeth Bleaching Safe?
Teeth bleaching systems performed under the control of a dentist are not harmful to the person in any way. All kinds of studies and research have confirmed this. The bleaching process has been an even safer technique within the fluoride application used by your physician.
What are the Side Effects of Teeth Bleaching?
Most bleaching gels cause a certain amount of sensitivity. This sensitivity to even cold and hot beverages and air unfortunately cause disturbance the individual. In case of sensitivity, the topical fluoride that your dentist will apply to you will reduce this dental sensitivity.
How Long Will It Take for My Teeth to be Bleached to Maximum?
The results vary from person to person. Some teeth are bleached in 24 minutes, while others may require a session or two. It is worth reminding that the graying caused by the use of antibiotics is a little more difficult to bleach.
For How Long Does Bleaching Maintain Its Effect?
Remember, the color of your teeth will never return to its original color after the bleaching process. Some discoloration occurs between 6 months and two years. This discoloration differs according to current nutritional habits
Why is Teeth Bleaching Not Recommended for Pregnant or Newly Delivered Women?
There is no research on this subject. Manufacturer companies stated that this procedure should not be applied to pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Does Bleaching Gel Bleach My Dental Caps and Porcelain Crowns?
It must be noted that the porcelain coated crowns and bridges are not bleached. All of these may need to be replaced to match the color of your bleached teeth. Your dentist will provide the necessary information.
How Long Should I Stay Away from Coffee and Red Wine After Bleaching?
It is extremely important to stay away from acidic drinks and colorful foods such as tea, coffee, cigarettes, cola, red wine, sour cherry juice for about 2 days after bleaching. The effect of the bleaching process continues in the dentin tubules for 48 hours.
If consumption is necessary, the teeth must be brushed or rinsed with water right away.
Is There Any Pain During the Bleaching Process?
We can say that there is a sensation felt depending on the condition and thickness of the enamel layer. The pain experienced is tolerable. Anesthesia is not applied.
Will There Be Any Non-Bleached Teeth?
Unfortunately, the appearance of the teeth treated with root canal treatment cannot be improved with vital bleaching. It is necessary to apply a different bleaching process that will bleach the tooth from inside. A bleaching agent is placed in the tooth, and covered with temporary filling. The tooth waits a few days in this state. This process can be repeated as much as you want until the tooth achieves the desired color.