Bonding Application
Additional treatments to the tooth to change the color or shape of the tooth, enlarge it or treat a defect are called ‘Bonding’. Preferred materials in bonding treatment can be easily removed by attaching them to the outer surface of the natural tooth.

No pain or ache is felt during the procedure. It may not even be necessary to numb the tooth in most cases. It offers a natural appearance. Bonding has the same characteristics as natural tooth structure. Color changes experienced with factors such as cigarettes, tea and coffee can be eliminated by examinations.
With the quality bonding procedure applied, the adhesive system offers an extremely long-lasting use. Bonding (adhesive system) applied to a tooth can then be re-bonded.
It is generally more cost-effective compared to other aesthetic dental procedures. The factor determining the fee varies according to the material used and the type of treatment to be selected. Bonding is suitable for all age groups.
It can also be used in white fillings (composite fillings), laminate without metal support with aesthetic tooth coating, zirconium, and empress porcelain. Individuals should carefully exercise dental cleaning after adhesive application. It is necessary to be more careful and attentive when consuming hard and solid food.
You can contact our Ortonorm Oral and Dental Health Center for more detailed information about the ADIV-Bonding application.