Bruxism Treatment - Night Plaque
Temporomandibular disorders / jaw joint disorders are known as pain and dysfunction that involve joint or chewing muscles. Disorders in the joint occur due to the deterioration of the harmony between the joint surface and the disc, and affect the individual negatively.
- The presence of click-like sound in the jaw joint,
- Pain felt in the ear, jaw joint, face-neck muscles and temples,
- Difficulty during chewing,
- Difficulty in opening the mouth,
- Opening of the jaw to side are the complaints which cause the patients to consult to an orthodontist.
- In some cases, there is no pain for many years, only clicking problems in the jaw joint continue. Deformation increases at the same rate.
Night Plaque (Dental Plaque)
Teeth grinding, which is often encountered during sleep in daily life, is known as teeth grasping and grinding caused by strong jaw movements. The cause is not fully known. There is information that there may be due to a discomfort in the nervous system. It is also said that it is often experienced for hereditary causes. Teeth grinding is common in irritable people and those who experience constant stress.
In order to prevent the teeth grinding problem in line with the oral and dental structure of the patient, night plaque can be produced. The developed dental plaques may vary depending on the jaw function. Especially if your teeth grind during sleep at night, the night plaque will be an ideal choice.
Before the tooth grinding plaque is applied to the patient, the night plaque is printed transparently after the orthodontists takes measurements of the patient’s mouth. Transparent night plaques help prevent gingival diseases by greatly delaying tooth wear.