Orthodontic Surgery Prices
Orthodontics, which is a branch of dentistry, is an area that covers all treatments of dental, jaw and facial disorders. There is no age limitation within the scope of orthodontic treatment.
Orthognathic Surgery, known as corrective jaw surgery, provides treatment by correcting abnormalities in the facial bones, jaw and teeth. Problems experienced may also cause the restriction of daily activities such as chewing, talking and sleeping. Adverse conditions in the lower and upper jaws can even cause digestive system problems.

Orthodontic surgery can be preferred as support in terms of providing longer-term results for the treatments performed. With surgery, the jaw structure is positioned as required and it is ensured to gain an aesthetic appearance. Orthognathic surgery provides development and change in facial profile appearance with the support of orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist may apply for orthodontic surgery if deemed necessary during the treatment period.
In this context, a subject that the patients are curious about in addition to the treatment is orthodontic surgery prices.
Jaw surgery prices are determined individually. There may be problems in one jaw in some cases, while it can be seen in both in others. For this reason, fixed price information would not be accurate.
Orthodontic surgery prices vary based on the technique and treatment form to be performed. For more detailed information on orthodontic treatment prices, you can submit your details with the CONTACT FORM or contact us via CONTACT DETAILS.