Bracket Types

Damon Bracket (Damon Braces)

Fixed orthodontic treatments are based on brackets attached on all teeth along with braces. In conventional brackets which have been used in the past and also preferred today, small, thin braces, colored or transparent rubbers are used for support to ensure that the braces are fixed. Existing braces and rubbers create a certain amount of frictional force. Tooth movement slows down for this reason.

If there are sharp corners of the binding braces applied within the orthodontic treatment, they may cause irritation on the cheeks and lips. Rubbers preferred for orthodontic treatment ensure that the microorganisms inside the mouth to be trapped, and cause caries and gingival diseases. The special lock detail mechanism used within damon brackets ensure that braces are bound inside the bracket groove without using rubber or braces. The frictional force is minimized by applying a small amount of pressure using arc braces. There is no delay in tooth movements. It offers a more comfortable treatment alternative compared to conventional metal brackets.

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

Invisalign (Braceless Orthodontics Treatment)

Invisalign Orthodontics system is a series of transparent overlapping moulds called “aligners”, produced by computer simulation that allows the slow movement of teeth. Invisaling Orthodontics system is the ideal technique for elderly patients with orthodontic closure problems .

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

Lingual Brackets (Invisible Braces)

In the Lingual Bracket technique, the brackets are located on the back surfaces of the teeth. Thus, the patient smiles freely by ensuring the perfect invisibility of the braces.

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

Metal Brackets

In orthodontic treatment, there are small rubbers to fix the brace passing between the metal brackets. Rubbers can be “Colorful, colored, Colorless by using grey/transparent” based on your preference. The rubbers that form the basis of orthodontic treatment are usually replaced during routine checks that take place once a month. The patient can use the brackets in other colors in routine checks.

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

Sapphire Bracket (Ice Bracket)

Sapphire brackets made of transparent materials are highly preferred by adult patients due to their cosmetic appearance. It is difficult to notice on the teeth unless you get close to the patient.

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

Ceramic Bracket

Ceramic brackets made of semi-transparent materials are highly preferred by adult patients due to their cosmetic appearance. It is difficult to notice on the teeth unless you get close to the patient.

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri

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Ortonorm Braket Çeşitleri