
Ortonorm Amputasyon

What is Amputation?
Amputation is a commonly used form of treatment in milk teeth today. It is applied on patients where the carious tissue in the tooth reaches from the nerve that feeds the tooth to the veins. It is performed by removing the decayed part of the tooth along with the bacteria causing the caries as well as affected nerves and veins.

This way, some of the nerves and veins are removed. The treatment is continued with the aim of keeping the tooth alive and functional in a healthy way in the mouth. After amputation treatment, filling or stainless steel crown veneers are applied to the tooth.

When the tooth tissue loses its vitality, it is possible to experience pain and swelling. The loss of vitality of the tooth may also occur as a result of tooth caries or trauma to the tooth.

Advanced caries and significant discoloration on the tooth are signs of infection. These infections can also be seen in permanent teeth. It may be recommended to use antibiotics in the pre-treatment stages. Most of the time, cases requiring root canal treatment or tooth extraction may also be encountered.

Before starting milk teeth amputation and root canal treatments, anesthesia is applied on teeth. Thus, children do not feel pain during treatment. After numbing the teeth, your child does not feel any pain.

If the infection in the milk tooth is too advanced, your child’s health and permanent teeth may be in danger. All kinds of checks have to be carried out and the extraction of the milk tooth has to be decided. In these cases, placeholder detail should not be dismissed.

After the decision on milk tooth extraction, panoramic x-ray should be taken. The development of the permanent tooth in the lower part should be examined, the relationship of the root of the milk tooth with the permanent tooth should be examined and the decision of extraction should be made after analyzing it.

Milk teeth fall as a result of the melting of the roots under the pressure of the permanent teeth coming out of the lower part. If the teeth are lost due to caries, the teeth on both sides of the gap bend towards the extraction cavity. The distance required for the continuous tooth erupting from the bottom is lost. As a result, various orthodontic disorders may occur. Early extraction of the milk tooth causes crowding towards the mouthguard or cheek due to the inclination of the teeth on the sides of the cavities towards the gap. Afterwards, orthodontic disorders are experienced. Amputation treatment gains importance at this point.

Protective orthodontic treatments are performed between the ages 6-12 in children whose jaw development is insufficient. In every child over 12 years of age, orthodontic treatment is medically and economically long. Remember... No material can replace the comfort of natural teeth. It is an important detail that permanent or milk teeth are not extracted or the caries are diagnosed early.

You can contact us to get information about amputation treatment.