Fissure Application
The recessed protruding parts of the teeth are the chewing surfaces. These are known as pits and fissures. These areas, which are quite narrow, are usually the areas where caries begin because they cannot be cleaned. Special fluid filling material is used to prevent food and microorganism accumulation and thus caries.
The are is cleaned in a quality way. Fissure sealant, the fluid filling, is applied on this area. It is hardened with light and its excess application is corrected. It is polished. With the procedure performed, it becomes possible to protect from chewing surface caries, which constitutes approximately 70% of all caries.
Individuals with habits such as chewing ice or grinding teeth should be constantly checked.
The ideal period for the application is the period when the first permanent teeth erupt. This corresponds to around the age of 6. It can be applied to other teeth along with the eruption of other molars. It is useful to emphasize one point. It will be an even better choice to have this procedure 1-2 years after permanent teeth start to erupt.
Remember, every delay will increase caries formation possibility. Therefore, filling may be needed instead of fissure sealant. It is also a method that can be applied in adults without caries. It is very easy to use in children.
Before the process, the recessions on the surface of sealant application are completely clean and bacteria should be removed.
With the help of a special solution, your teeth are brushed and cleaned and dried by your physician. The enamel layer at the top of the teeth is roughened with the help of a gel, and bonding is applied. After hardening with light, the fissure sealant is allowed to fill the recesses with the help of a brush, and the light hardening process is performed again. It is checked whether there is a protrusion and the procedure is terminated by applying protective polish.