Fluoride Application

Fluoride, a natural mineral, is a substance we take from water or various foods we eat. It is known that those who live in ancient times in regions with high fluoride rates in the waters encounter less dental caries. The reason is that fluoride makes the enamel of the tooth resistant to caries. At first, it was thought that the city waters would be fluoridated at the optimal dose and this applied in some places, and then the dose was reduced due to side effects.
It was emphasized upon research that superficial fluoride applications were more important. It was determined that the effect of the fluorine tablets administered to the child during pregnancy or after 6 months was low. The crystalline structure forming the enamel has become resistant to acid with the effect of fluorine applied to the surface. Therefore, it is roughened difficultly and caries formation is more difficult.
Superficial fluoride application can start from the age of 3. Fluoride application is a simple, painless procedure that should be repeated every 6 months. It is ideal for the child to meet the dentist and come for checks in 6-month periods. After this short process, the fluoride stored on the surface of your child’s teeth will make the teeth much healthier and stronger.